We now have several ways to communicate other than by Phone and Mail. We have an E-mail account which follows below. I will try to check several times per week. Also posted is the LINK to all Meeting Minutes


Thursday, September 30, 2010

OCT. 5, 2010 MEETING

The next meeting will be held on October 5th, 2010 hosted by Kevin and Barbara Cosgrove at 136 Timberwood Rd at 7pm.

09/07/10 Minutes are posted to the minutes blog page

Saturday, September 25, 2010

New Post on Resident / NW page

I posted new info on the Resident/ NW Page from a resident about traffic in the wee hours of night and thought it may be of interest, If any one knows anything about this traffic I am sure some of us would like to be kept informed, So lets pass any info on

Just to be sure

To keep anyone from worrying to much

I do know that we have had reports of gas stolen over the past month or so


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Comments on neighborhood watch page

New comment s were posted on the NW page. Thanks and a reply was posted. I Hope more residents will make use of this tool. PLEASE let me know what you think as residents and Thanks for helping Barbara. As usual you are one of the first to always help and get involved to help make the community a better place to come home to ! Can't tell you how good that makes me feel about the community and the residents that truly want to be a positive influence here. I wish more would take the extra five mins and do the same. THANK YOU you get a gold star for participation.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Neighborhood Watch

I am sure that many of the residents have noticed the SIGNS.

However we have already encounterd a few problems .

Tony put in a post at the lake which was to be used to post the new liability signs

and someone has already pulled it up and it has disappeared.

Also the NW Sign at the bottom of the hill was bent where someone was tring to

get it off the post. The sign was saved and Tony replaced it with stronger bolts

and we have discussed redigging and placing all the post in cement.

So PLEASE all residents be on the look out for the individuals who might be doing this

lets us know.

Also I have again changed the format of the blog so as to keep everyone up dated to

any issues involving the Neighborhood watch.

That change is going to be included on the residents page , which is NOW the

Resident Page / Neighborhoor Watch

This will help inform everyone if there is unusual activity in the area and

If any resident has items missing or susspects any activity please call or e-mail

so I can post IT.
Tony had put this post into the ground 3 feet and this is what we have now left. WE NEED EYES AND EARS OPEN SO THIS BEHAVIOUR STOPS.........